Exchanging Hypocrisy for Sincerity


Sunday - 10 AM Worship Services & Nursery, Kid Country. . . Online anytime!

by: Wendy Wilkins



 “Quit trying to fool people, and start being sincere.” ~1 Peter 2:1 (CEV)

“…for I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them.”~ Ezekial 11:5 (KJB)


God’s Word reminds us of the importance of sincerity.  And, when we think about the fact that God knows our every thought, how fruitless it is to PRETEND to do, say, or think anything that is not true!  Another word for sincerity is transparency, letting people see inside us.   There is such freedom when we stop pretending and simply BE who we really are!  This can seem scary, like we won’t be valued if we just are truly ourselves.  We feel pressure to perform and to act like we have it all together, when we know we don’t!  But we can, by the power of the Holy Spirit, learn to just be who God created us to be. Psalm 139 reminds us that God knows all about us!  He created us!  And if He created us, doesn’t it logically follow that the WAY He made us is “just right”?  Great freedom comes as we purpose to put off all pretending and instead pursue sincerity and transparency.  It’s so important to spend time reading passages in the Bible that shed some light on who we REALLY are when we are “in Christ”, meaning we have a relationship with Him.  Then we can begin to live out of that incredible Truth.


It can really help to have someone come alongside us and help us answer the question:  Who am I…..REALLY?  Feel free to email Wendy Wilkins if you would like to explore this more. wendy.thegreatexchange@gmail.com



Monthly Prayer Focus:  Pray that each members of our church family would pursue transparency and sincerity with all our hearts.  Pray that we would embrace who each of us really is, in Christ, and value one another as the unique individuals God made us to be.  Pray that as we embrace what makes each of us unique, we will be even more effective as the body of Christ.  For according to 1 Corinthians 12:18 “… in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be.”  




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 “Quit trying to fool people, and start being sincere.” ~1 Peter 2:1 (CEV)

“…for I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them.”~ Ezekial 11:5 (KJB)


God’s Word reminds us of the importance of sincerity.  And, when we think about the fact that God knows our every thought, how fruitless it is to PRETEND to do, say, or think anything that is not true!  Another word for sincerity is transparency, letting people see inside us.   There is such freedom when we stop pretending and simply BE who we really are!  This can seem scary, like we won’t be valued if we just are truly ourselves.  We feel pressure to perform and to act like we have it all together, when we know we don’t!  But we can, by the power of the Holy Spirit, learn to just be who God created us to be. Psalm 139 reminds us that God knows all about us!  He created us!  And if He created us, doesn’t it logically follow that the WAY He made us is “just right”?  Great freedom comes as we purpose to put off all pretending and instead pursue sincerity and transparency.  It’s so important to spend time reading passages in the Bible that shed some light on who we REALLY are when we are “in Christ”, meaning we have a relationship with Him.  Then we can begin to live out of that incredible Truth.


It can really help to have someone come alongside us and help us answer the question:  Who am I…..REALLY?  Feel free to email Wendy Wilkins if you would like to explore this more. wendy.thegreatexchange@gmail.com



Monthly Prayer Focus:  Pray that each members of our church family would pursue transparency and sincerity with all our hearts.  Pray that we would embrace who each of us really is, in Christ, and value one another as the unique individuals God made us to be.  Pray that as we embrace what makes each of us unique, we will be even more effective as the body of Christ.  For according to 1 Corinthians 12:18 “… in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be.”  




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